Saturday, June 13, 2009

Praise the Lord! <3

So I just got back from this retreat at sibu. It was sick hohohoho. So the talker was this Father Rufus guy from India. && he's soooo. Im speechless. Though father stan it still the best AY AY AY!

So we arrived at the retreat centre around 5pm. && the 3 hour drive was horrible. Try being in a car with rex & tom for 3 hours ): It was like beyond crazy hahaha. Im glad they came though. So the talk stuff blablabla. He hs perfrmd lotsa miracles. && I was amazed. His stories are so breath-taking okay? So at the end of the retreat we had this individual healing sessions. We wrote what we wanted on a piece of paper n like showed it to him & he prayed over us. So like it was my turn. Like only 3 seconds passed and *BAMMMM slammed okay? Like gila lah haha. Healing priest. I was shocked to see lotsa people gt slammed or being slammed or slammed. Hahaha,so my body just went all jelly-like && I totally blacked out. Thank you holy spirit! So when I woke up I was like 'omg no effing way that just happened' I was kinda shocked and my head till my lower back was all warm & tingly. Suprisingly I did not feel a thing. No bruise or whatever. It was like sleeping on a water bed & my heart and mind ws so peaceful. Crap Im so happy I went to that retreat.

I came home with one bruise though. Thanks to titom & rex ): Titom bit my leg & rex pinched the same spot. Like big bruise okay? I blame you two ): So anyways Im kinda excited that the holidays are coming to an end. But Im gonna miss my late nights and late mornings. I love waking up late (: Im so excited to get my exam results. How many a's any c's? Come on lah,i studied like fuck. No effing way I want a stupid C printed on my report card.

Im sorry for my english errors im kinda in a rush hahaha

OH YEAH,reminds me. Need to go check out wether my uniform still fits or not. I gained so much weight this gawai ha ha ha. I don't care hahahaha (:

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