Tuesday, November 10, 2009

OHHH GOSHHH,i can never decide. My last post said I was moving to tumblr. But ive been feeling guiltyyyy. Like everyone-leaving-fs-for-fb guilt type bahahaha.

So i shall blog a lil bit here. But for frequent updates,go to my tumblr blog. O yeah pipuuuullll,relink me okay? :)

So Ive been going to school these last few days,funnnnnnn okay. I forgot how much I enjoyed being silly with my friends. Lol,so long neh have fun. So yeah we've been going out everyday. Our usual hang out venues. Mil

Park,Eng tat,my house,beach & um everywhr around kidurong haha. Is there such a thing called butt bone? Cos if there is,I think I dislocated mine. If thats possible HAHAHAHA. Serioussslyyyy,we were running

around & screaming our heads off at mil park then I jumped to hang onto that pole thingy. Wanna show yang my arms got muscle lah konon. Then I like jumped & moved my butt then *cracckkkkk oh shucks i like sat

down on the floor immediately & poked my own butt. To see if it hurts or not. IT DIDDDDDD! Hahahahaha.
I ignored the pain & started to play around again. We were soooo louuddd,the other people who were there

freaked out I think hahahaha. So then Fiqah said we could go home with her. As if our houses were sooo far (10 mins walk) it was getting dark when fiqah's mom came,
ON A SCOOTER!! Intan was laughing like a

maniac & I screamed cos i panickd & i said its almost dark & we're still here. Our parents would freakkk. I pulled her & we started to run in the direction of our houses. Sepek lah juak hahahahah,takut mena kenak

anok bos hahahahaha. My butt hurts & I was like tempang-ish. So imagine intan & me running. Limping la actlly,hahaha. limping in a very fast pace hahahahaha.
By the time I reached home,the azan thingy was um

playing ody? Hahaha,luckily my mom didnt get mad. So yeah,showered then we went out for dinner lol. Suffered the whole nite,my butt seriously hurts. It still hurts now :( My poooorrrr poooorrrr legs hahaha.

Sheeeshhh still cant believe im gonna go play again today. O yeah,i wanna go shower now. Have pc practice around 3. & its 2 now,it takes me 1 hour to shower. Looks like im late alrdy bahahahahah.


i shall screen my calls after this HAHAHAHAHAHA